About is a suite of software applications that allow:

  1. Bookstores to share their "Want" lists with other participating stores.
  2. Acts as a point of sale terminal for customers wishing to sell used books to participating bookstores.
  3. Offers Students a FREE Used Book Classifieds Service where they can buy and sell used textbooks from other students.
  4. Provides a free "BuyBack Alert" service where students can receive email offers for their unwanted used books. aims to benefit:

  • Students because it ensures that they have access to the largest market possible for their used books. It also ensures that the student gets the highest possible price for their books.
  • Bookstores because it adds additional market sources for used textbooks.
  • Universities and Colleges by ensuring that the costs of attending are kept as low as possible.


Chris Tabor and Bob Crawford, CCRA, Concept Designers.

John (Yawney) Kels, McMaster University, Original Developer.

Brent Beatty, University of Calgary, Enhancement Suggestions and Testing.

Sriram Narayanan, Testing Assistance and Enhancement Suggestions.

CCRA Member Store Users.

Chris Sinkinson, CutCom Software Inc., Developer of United States Edition.

This software is Copyright © 1998-2025 Campus eBookstore Inc. All rights reserved.